We would like to notify you of an upcoming upgrade to the Data API.
As you may know, JustGiving now processes donations in international currencies, but these donations are paid to charities in separate payments to donations made in British Pounds.
Until now, only the details of payments of donations made in British Pounds have been available via the Data API. We've been aware of this disparity and are pleased to announce an upgrade to the API that will see it return details of payments made in international currencies.
We will also make a change to our payment system so that donations made in British Pounds and international currencies are paid together in one unified payment.
What does this mean for CRM providers and the customers using your Data API integration?
We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that the upgrade will not affect any third party integrations. We have worked hard to ensure that there should be no impact upon the service your application provides. The API request URLs and response schema remain unchanged and existing API appIDs (keys) will remain valid so you should not need to make any updates to your integration or those of your clients. We are avoiding the need to version so that you don't have to make any costly changes at your end.
The upgrade is currently scheduled for week commencing 6th March. From that point onwards, your customers will start seeing the details of new and existing international donation payments made to them as available payments. This is good news for your application as it now means CRMs can now offer it to internationally based charities (Ireland, Australia etc) who use JustGiving for fundraising.
From mid-March onwards we will migrate all the charities we have identified as using the Data API to the unified payment system, meaning that they will only receive one weekly payment from JustGiving which will be available via the Data API. All the donations in these unified payments, including donations made in international currencies, are settled in British Pounds. All the values included in the payment details will therefore still be in British Pounds.
This also means that charities using your Data API integration will not have to maintain a separate import process for donations made in international currencies, as all donations will be available via the Data API.
Do you need to contact your customers?
No. We will be in touch with charities in the next couple of weeks to tell them about the upgrade.
Any questions?
If you have any questions regarding how the rollout of the upgraded Data API or comments please get in touch with me directly and I’ll be happy to help. We plan to release the change on 6th March so are giving you advance notice so that you have the chance to speak with us. If you would like to please schedule in a call with us at your convenience