What do the different fundraising totals refer to?

A standard fundraising page will return a number of different fundraising data points. The definition of these are as follows:

fundraisingTarget = the fundraising target set for the page. This target can be edited by the user at any time (raised or lowered). It is possible to also set a target of 0. 

totalRaisedPercentageOfFundraisingTarget = the % of the fundraisingTarget achieved based upon totalRaisedOffline + totalRaisedOffline

totalRaisedOffline = the amount raised offline by the fundraiser to date. This value can manually edited by the user at any time. The value is displayed on the page.

totalRaisedOnline = the amount raised by online donations (credit card, PayPal donations)

totalRaisedSms = the amount raised via the JustTextGiving SMS service. 

totalEstimatedGiftAid = the estimated amount of GiftAid raised based upon the totalRaisedOnline + totalRaisedSms

totalRaised = totalRaisedOnline + totalRaisedOffline + totalRaisedSms



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