When authenticating the user on your own domain, it is important that they are correctly presented with the option to agree to JustGiving's terms of service, privacy policy and marketing preferences when interacting with our platform via the API.
As the developer responsible for this user journey you are required - as per the terms of our API Developer Terms and Conditions - to adhere to the following:
1. JustGiving Terms and Conditions (Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions)
When creating a new user account with the accountRegistration end point you must display to the user the following:
“By continuing you agree to JustGiving’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. “
This must be a box that the user ticks. In this instance you would pass into the API the attribute <acceptTermsAndConditions> as true. Providing false will fail validation.
2. JustGiving Preferences
When creating a fundraising page for the user with the registerFundraisingPage end point you must display to the user the following:
“I am happy for JustGiving to send me emails that inspire me, interest me and make me smile”
This should be a box that the user can choose to tick or not. In this instance you would pass into the API the attribute <justGivingOptIn> as true or false.
The justGivingOptIn argument allows you to indicate whether the user wishes to opt in to receive marketing communications from JustGiving.